Time is a myth, or so am told. I don’t believe that. This talk about time has been around for many years and am not the first to write about it. The very idea of time is exhilarating to just think about it and how it works. Well after a bit of research I came to a conclusion about what time is according to me, “Time is the measure of existence as far as all know life is concerned.” So it would be safe to say that before we decide to do anything in life, time plays a major role on the deciding factor.
That thief outside waits for the right moment before he could get the right moment to loot and disappear, and even after he steals he need to know when he can finally fence the goods. Timing is everything, that surgeon  who is in the operating room working so fast to save the life on his table before the body gives in to its inevitable end. He needs to work within a period of time to get the result he hopes for.

That moment all ladies dream about when the man finally proposes, he need to consider how she would be feeling at the time to get the desired effect on her. Still in all circumstances time is the crucial part of everything, from wars to peace to birth. So I believe that time is a sure thing, it exists  

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